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The leading health information and technology show for healthcare IT professionals, clinicians, and executives is sure to be educational, inspirational, and packed full of networking opportunities.

Visit the Workday booth to learn how innovations in cloud-based IT are creating new capabilities and efficiencies, and helping your organization be more agile, productive, and data-driven, especially as you look to the future.

Attend the Workday lightning session “Managing Risk in the Cloud for Healthcare” on Thursday, March 8, at 1:30 p.m. (Session id: LS40). Joe Wilson, CTO, North America at Workday, speaks on the impact technology is making on the way you run your health organization, and discusses how forward-thinking CIOs and IT professionals are shifting gears, leveraging cloud technology platforms, and becoming more agile, efficient, and insightful.

Register now to see Workday in action or to meet with a Workday executive.