3 Ways Technology Empowers Your Frontline Workforce
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Zoom Webinar
July 25, 2024
10:00am PT / 1:00 pm ET

The First 500 Attendees Will Receive $25 Uber Eats Gift Cards

It’s summertime and hiring, retaining and engaging high-performing frontline workers is challenging, especially as you gear up for the upcoming winter holiday rush.

Join Workday and RedThread Research for a virtual lunch-and-learn as we discuss technologies that allow your frontline workforce to tackle unique challenges head-on. We’ll explore operational strategies and market trends to help your workforce thrive and your business stay one step ahead.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to improve performance and productivity
  • How to provide learning and growth opportunities
  • How to keep your workers engaged and included
  • AI-driven technologies that optimize your workforce:
    • Time tracking that maximizes productivity
    • Scheduling that puts workers first
    • Payroll that simplifies complex processes
    • Absence management that quickly adapts to change
Stacia Garr
Cofounder & Principal Analyst,
Heather Gilmartin Adam
Senior Research Analyst,
Cristina Goldt
GM of Workforce & Pay,
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